If you follow me on instagram, you may notice that exterior makeovers are one of my most popular services. I clean sweep your facade from paint colors to roof to doors to lights, etc. The process is detailed and takes several days of work to complete but the results are truly rewarding. Clients often enlist my help during the winter months so that come spring, we have a complete plan ready for execution. I design exteriors for both local and remote clients.

I wanted to share with you one of my favorite dramatic makeovers from 2022! This adorable, architectural gem in the northshore area was purchased by a family relocating from Seattle. The homeowner has fantastic style and wasn't afraid to go all in. We experimented with different directions in photoshop, ultimately settling on this plan.

Details included necessary window and door replacement, removing the metal arch above front door, masonry repair, painting everything Sherwin Williams pearly white and replacing lights. A favorite edit in the process was painting white all the way up to the roofline. Instant uplift in mood.

The 3rd image is a before photo for comparison- looks like a totally different house. The complete new look grabbed attention in the neighborhood but most importantly, the client is very happy with the result :)

Do you have a tired exterior that needs a lift? Reach out anytime to inquire.
Cheers, Jessamy


Kitchen Design 2022.